The following checklist for fire safety in Industry is printed with acknowledgement to the Fire Protection Association, U.K. It should be of assistance in maintaining premises reasonably safe from fire.
- Are the premises kept clear of all kinds of refuse and process waste?
- Is waste swept up and removed from the premises at least daily?
- Are areas in and around the building kept free from accumulated packing materials such as empty wooden crates, straw, paper, etc.?
- Are metal bins with lids provided for readily combustible waste materials such as oily rags?
- Is there fire resisting separation between storage and raw material areas and manufacturing areas?
- Are storage places accessible to fire fighters?
- Are there clear spaces around stacks of stored materials and adequate gangways between them?
- If a sprinkler system is installed are stacks of material arranged so that they do not impede the effective operation of the sprinklers?
- Are stocks of paint, lacquer, flammable solvents, thinners and other flammables stored in detached single story buildings of entirely non-combustible construction which are used for no other purpose?
- Are flammable liquids carried about in safety containers and not in open tins, buckets, etc.?
- Are flammable liquids handled only at a safe distance from possible sources of ignition?
- Are suitable non-sparking tools provided for use in places where flammable liquids are kept or used?
- Is machinery regularly inspected with the emphasis on lubrication and cleanliness?
- Are drip trays provided?
- Have steps been taken to prevent floors and walls becoming soaked with oil?
- Are heating appliances at a safe distance from woodwork and combustible building boards?
- Are portable heaters securely guarded and placed or fixed so that they cannot be knocked over?
- Are defects in electrical equipment remedied at once?
- Are electrical installations tested and inspected at least every three years?
- Is temporary extension wiring kept to a minimum and care taken not to overload existing circuits?
- Is the use of portable lamps kept to a minimum and are those used provided with strong wire guards?
- Are the main switches of all electrical circuits in the off position when the equipment is not in use?
- Is fire equipment maintained in good working order at all times and is it accessible for immediate use?
- Are fire resisting doors kept closed whenever possible and always after working hours?
- Does the watchman have access to a telephone and if so does he know how to use it?
- Is the telephone number of the fire brigade prominently displayed?
- Is the watchman trained in the use of first aid and fire fighting equipment?
- Is a routine inspection of the premises made when work has finished?
- Is there someone on the staff at management level responsible for fire prevention measures?
- Is every employee aware of the means of escape from the premises?
- Does every employee know how to use the fire equipment?
- To obviate water damage are goods stored clear of the floor?
- Are drains and scuppers provided and are they kept unobstructed?
- Are adequate receptacles for cigarette ends provided?
- Are these receptacles emptied when work is finished each day?
- Are the buildings so maintained as to be proof against the entry of intruders or the accidental entry of sparks or water?
- Is there a system of supervision of any welding operations or other hot work that may be carried out on the premises?
- If the answer to any of the above questions is NO!! immediate action should be taken.