Ventilation Systems (artificial and natural) - 24 July 2020
- Essential requirements - the hazards of smoke
- Critical conditions for temperature - design values
- Condition for flashover
- Fire classes
- Steady-state fires — not sprinklered
- Steady state fires — sprinklered
- T-square fires
- Fuel bed-controlled fires
- Axisymmetric plume/s
- Design principles of a smoke management system
- Systems intended to protect the area in which the fire/s start/s
- Plumes above large fires
- Smoke layer temperatures
- Minimum number of smoke ventilators
- Area of natural ventilators required
- Required ventilation rate powered ventilation
- Maximum dimensions for smoke reservoirs
Sprinkler Systems - 10 July 2020
- Importance of a fire sprinkler system
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Component functions
- Inspection process
- Action upon activation of a sprinkler system